The spring is here and the warmer weather is enticing us out onto the little river which runs past our home, the Opaoa River. Whitebaiters are out on the riverside trying their luck at catching the Kiwi delicacy whitebait. A tiny fish the size of grass blades, that causes a lot of fuss at this time of year. We met Geoff down river, he had just caught a cup full and his son caught a kilo yesterday.
But what we are really excited to see are the royal spoonbill. They know it is spring too and are wearing their distinctive breeding headdress to attract a mate. They also have a ruby red dot between their eyes and a soft rust colour on their chest. They are out to strut their stuff and we take photos of them as we drift by. We never tire of seeing these remarkable birds close up.
They are the bird on our logo for good reason, they are the most popular bird on our kayaking tours. If you want to see the royal spoonbill you can read more about our kayak tours here. Read more.
If you want to go in the draw to win a free tour share this post on social media at the links below and email us to tell us why you want to meet the spoonbill. Cheers Will and Rose zn.oc.sruotocedoowtfirdnull@ofni 021 62 0030