Students from Marlborough Girl’s College are presented with a book from FLOW Marlborough by Will Parsons.
Today Will and I were pleased to present a book called ‘Vanishing Nature’ – facing New Zealand’s biodiversity crisis, by the EDS (Environmental Defence Society) to the Marlborough Girl’s College.
Although we were wearing our Driftwood Eco Tours jackets, we were actually representing FLOW Marlborough (Friends of the Lower Opawa and Wairau). FLOW is an informal group dedicated to the conservation of the waterways of the lower Wairau Valley. Many of you will have seen our face book page with regular posts of Will’s beautiful photos of the birds and other wildlife of the area. FLOW’s goal is to raise awareness of the unique ecological features of the area, while including as many people as possible in dialog about how we can manage it better.
We were thrilled and encouraged to meet the students behind the environment group at the local college. These are girls willing to make positive change. Such as their recent ‘walk or bike to school week’. We have invited the group to visit our wetland next term which they have eagerly accepted. So good to have youthful energy and vision in Marlborough!