This 4 day tour commenced from Driftwood Eco-tours base in Blenheim on the 7th January. The guides were Will Parson and myself as the alpine flora guide.
We left with our 8 clients and travelled up the Wairau Valley through the Rainbow stopping whenever there were plants of interest to see, namely Helichrysum parvifolium flowering on the rocky cliffs and various Epilobiums flowering on the scree slopes. We had wonderful picnic morning and afternoon teas and lunches each day in the field.
We found the small mauve Veronica [Hebe] pimeleoides subsp.pimeleoides flowering then had a good look for alpine flowers on Island Pass seeing Wahlenbergia cartilaginea and Lobelia roughii just to name a few.
The views from the pass were spectacular. Down to Lake Tennyson where Gentianella corymbifera and Aciphylla aurea were looking beautiful as well as seeing Boulder Copper butterflies on the flowers of Raoulia glabra. After a wonderful day we arrived in Hanmer where we stayed the night.
The next day we left for Flock Hill Lodge near Castle Hill Canterbury stopping off on Porters Pass where I pointed out the pink leafless broom Carmichaelia crassicaulis subsp crassicaulis. Onto Flock Hill Lodge where we stayed in cottages and had dinner at the restaurant. The next morning was wet, so I gave an informative photographic alpine talk in the conference room at this facility.
After lunch we drove to Arthurs Pass and visited the DOC centre and walked around the Dodson nature walkway. By late afternoon the weather had cleared we drove up to Mt Cheeseman skifield and walked along the road between scree slopes just below the top ski lodge, there were views to die for. I pointed out the sweet smelling Lobelia macrodon and Senecio glaucophyllus subsp.discoideus in full flower and other alpines.
The next day we headed back to Blenheim via Hanmer and Molesworth Station. Once again the scenery was stunning and Brachyglottis monroi was in full flower around the Acheron Gorge, we picked gooseberries near the roadside and stopped to look at Molesworth Cottage, and seeing Pachystegia insignis flowering on the cliffs was a great way to finish the tour.
I recommend these alpine tours especially if you are unable to climb to the tops of the mountains. We are driven to the alpine zone and have several hours looking at our wonderful little alpine treasures all native of New-Zealand. The meals and accommodation are fantastic. There is so much to see and enjoy, a small group tour with like-minded people is what I recommend.

Rebecca Bowater FPSNZ AFIAP
Ring Will or Rose Parsons, Driftwood Eco Tours 03 5777 651