To provide ‘Sustainable’ Exclusive Experiences in Aotearoa, New Zealand
We call it Manaakitanga.
Manaakitanga derives from two words - 'mana' and 'aki'. Mana is a condition that holds everything in the highest regard.
Aki means to uphold or support. Extending Manaakitanga requires respect, humility, kindness and honesty.
We support our communities financially by sponsoring a project near and dear to their hearts:
For each tour to the D'Urville Island we donate $300 towards Life Flight.
For our Muzzle Station Tours near Kaikoura, we donate $1,000 each year to the Kaikoura Agricultural and Pastoral Show to support the connection between town and country and to promote natural New Zealand wool.
For tours to the Chatham Island’s, we contribute $1,000 per tour toward the restoration of the community’s swimming pool. The pool is vital for keeping local tamariki water safe.
In conjunction with tours to the Marlborough Sounds in the outer Marlborough Sounds, we donate $300 per tour to the Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust. This is to assist in the removal wilding pines from the Marlborough Sounds.
For our tour through the Molesworth Station, we donate $300 to the Seddon School for the development of their vegetable garden and orchard.
For our tours in Kaikoura we support the Puhi Peaks Queen Elizabeth II Conservation Area by offsetting our carbon foot print to their reserve which is the home of the alpine nesting and nationally vulnerable Hutton Shearwater.
We thank all of our loyal customers who make this koha to the communities which host us possible.

Photo above: Team Driftwood support the Kaikoura A&P Show by sponsoring a prize for the best junior shearer.

We have reduced our carbon footprint by planting one tree for every client taken on a tour, in a Queen Elizabeth National Trust wetland, at the Ōpaoa River near Blenheim.
In 2021, we subscribed to Toitū Envirocare’s Toitū carbon assess.
Our subscription, partners us with likeminded New Zealand businesses who are taking positive climate action. Using the online tool we record our carbon usage and offset it accordingly by paying toward carbon positive projects.
Photo above: Driftwood Eco Tours thank the community for supporting its very successful river clean up days.

Working together towards a better future
As a team we love the wildlife and environment, in which we have the privilege to work and learn. The Mauri or life force nurtures our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. By reconnecting with the Mauri, we restore our symbiotic relationship with nature and establish practices that are both meaningful and respectful. We invite everyone to join this rewarding journey.
In 2021, we subscribed to Toitū Envirocare’s Toitū carbon assess.
Using the online tool we can measure and record our carbon usage and offset it accordingly by paying toward carbon positive projects. This is a positive step toward better managing our carbon footprint.
We welcome you to join us on our journey by either liking our facebook page or subscribing to our newsletter.
We replace our vehicles regularly
We service our vehicles annually
We check the type pressure between tours
We remove luggage boxes when not in use
We have an electric car for our private journeys and to develop new trips when not taking passengers
We shop local as much as possible
When possible, we join local groups in planting tress and shrubs
In 2021, we subscribed to Toitū Envirocare’s Toitū carbon assess.
Using the online tool we can measure and record not only our carbon but also our electricity usage, leading to better utilization.
We have LED light bulbs in our main living area
We use a heat pump in our main living area
Our building is double glazed and north facing
We use our clothesline whenever possible
We have a solar power providing 96% of total electricity use, encluding powering the electric car
Our main caterer uses biodegradable lunch boxes and cutlery.
We recycle all packaging we take with us on tour
We pack out what we pack into remote areas
Any food left over after the tour is sorted to be used, composted, or taken to landfill
We use paper-based courier packaging
Our uniform comes from the socially and ethically responsible clothing company, Earth Sea Sky who use fabrics that are B Corp or Bluesign Certified and have a zero waste policy for the off cuts of their fabric.
We collect discarded plastic waste when we are on our adventures
We operate a paperless office, have no printers and only print what we must from third party providers
We would love to hear from you about what you feel we could be doing better and what is important to you.